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Title: Please

Spoilers: Pegasus

Summary: PegaSix just wants it to end.

Author’s Notes: I didn’t hear the Admiral’s first name, so I made it up.

Disclaimer: Nope, not mine.


I hate them. I hate them. I hate myself. I’m one of them. They killed billions of people. They killed my fiance. How could they do that if I was one of them? I can’t be one of them. I’d never betray humanity. Why can’t they see that? I’d never do that. I’m not one of them.

Why won’t they believe me? Why do they keep doing this? Why would she do this? I haven’t done anything wrong. They keep touching me. They won’t stop. No matter how I beg them, they won’t stop.

They can’t see that I’m the same woman I always was. I’m their friend. I’m still the Viper pilot that took out Raiders three months ago. Why won’t she make them stop hurting me? Every time one comes, another follows. I ache inside all the time. Make them stop, Admiral. I thought we were friends. I’ve never betrayed you. Why did you betray me?

Make them stop. Please, make them stop. I’ve hidden so deep within that I may never venture out again. Please, Nelena Cain, make them stop.

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General Disclaimer: Every character, with the exception of those specified, belongs to their respective writers, producers, studios, and production companies.  NO money was made during the conception of these stories or their distribution.  No copyright infringement is intended.