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A Wicked Wind Blew Yesterday

Author: Regency

Title: A Wicked Wind Blew Yesterday

Rating: PG-13 for adult situations

Spoiler: None

Pairing(s):Lulu/Tracy friendship, Lulu/Dillon friendship, Luke/Tracy UST

Summary: Lulu lives with the guilt of something she’s done. She waits for the other shoe to drop and it does. Only it drops on someone else’s head.

Author’s Notes: Lulu has feelings for Dillon, but they haven’t slept together.


“She woke up yesterday.” Lulu tried to smile as she spoke of the happy news, but it fell short of actual joy and she dropped the act.

“Not that I’m not glad about that. I am. I’m glad she woke up. For a week and a half I’ve had nightmares about what would happen if she didn’t, if she died. It would be all my fault and I don’t think I could’ve lived with that. I’m having a hard enough time dealing with what’s going on now.”

The silence that met her words was more unnerving than ever. She clasped the woman’s hands tightly, wincing as her knuckles popped under the pressure. Stung, she returned hers harmlessly to her lap, remembering, with stinging clarity, the damage they had caused.

“I should probably tell you what I did that was so bad, right?” She looked down and forced herself to believe that she would find no disapproval in these unseeing eyes. Nonetheless, somber tears blurred her vision and she felt like a lost child again. “I ruined Tracy’s life and I can never make it right.”

Just as she had for nearly a decade, Laura Spencer did and said nothing. Until, suddenly, she sighed.


At the same time, Tracy Quartermaine was trapped in the uncomfortable accommodations of her family’s General Hospital. However, anyone would be unwise to tell her so and not expect to receive the most puzzled look to ever cross her blessed countenance. She had no recollection of her last name much less an alphabetized listing of her family’s assets and holdings. Waking up had been quite the experience.

Tracy groaned at the throbbing pulse of agony playing in her head. She thought it must have been music, really, really shitty music. She attempted to cover her ears with her hands to block it out only to meet resistance -- painful resistance, actually, from one hand.

With a furrowed brow, which hurt, by the way, she opened her eyes to see what the hell the pain was all about. Big mistake. She cried out as a million beams of ultraviolet light pierced her eyes like fine needle points.

She heard the rustling of clothes and the heavy thud of a body hitting the solid floor with an “Ooph.”

“Get those lights off!” a distinctly female voice commanded and no sooner than a half-second later, they snapped off.

She was profoundly grateful…though, growing increasingly confused as to exactly what was going on.

Light padding steps approached her in the dimness lit only by the hall light and she heard the light tap of metal on plastic as a hand came to rest on her bedrail.


She didn’t respond, instead preferring to blink determinedly after the silver specks that filled her vision.

“Tracy, focus on me.”

She fluttered her eyelids ineffectively a few times more before turning her fuzzy gaze to the blond woman standing at her bedside. Her haze deepened, not mention, her annoyance.

“Who is Tracy and why do you keep calling me her name?”

Doctor Monica Quartermaine stared at her sister-in-law with a combination of alarm and wonder. She snapped quickly out of her shock and reached into her lab coat for her penlight. The next few minutes were filled with thinly veiled threats as she tried with limited success to examine Tracy.

“You are not shining that thing in my eyes. I have a migraine. What kind of doctor are you?”

It didn’t get much better than that before Monica had thrown up her hands and retreated in search of Alan. She hoped he’d be better able to handle his sister, though, she had her doubts.

Following her departure, a crop of heads appeared in Tracy’s doorway, wearing every variation of emotion possible. A handsome, spiky-haired man stepped in first, his face a work of masked concern. He stuffed his hands in his jeans and smiled at her somewhat reassuringly. Of its own volition, an eyebrow rose in response.

Another man--more boy than adult-- crossed the threshold in a similar pose, without the skillfully composed expression to hide behind. His dark eyes were clouded with worry and she felt a deep-seeded compulsion to put order to his unruly head of hair.

One last man entered wearing an air of charm and disheveled grace. His naturally sparkling eyes were at dusk as they set on her. He was the first to speak among them.

“Looking good, Sparks..”

He was the first to make her smile since she’d regained consciousness.

She laughed, “Ha!” and regretted it immediately. “Oh…no. No more laughing,” she muttered behind tightly closed eyes. At last, the ripples of tension faded to a tolerable level and she peeked into the realm of the lucid.

Mr. Charm and Grace was immediately contrite for his part in her pain--the warning glance he received from ‘Spike’ didn’t hurt either . He touched her shoulder and she was admittedly comforted by its presence.

“It’s all right. Just won’t be laughing much any time soon.” She gave them all an encouraging look before addressing the all-important question. “Now, who are you and why are you in my room?”

Dillon’s jaw dropped and he managed to convey both outrage and terror in one haunting expression.

“You’re joking, right?”

His mother looked on with neither sign nor signal of amusement.

“Why would I joke about not knowing you? If I did, you’d know because we would have met before, which we clearly haven’t.”

Luke, or ‘Spike’ as she’d taken to calling him in her head, held his hands up to halt any protests from the Young Spielberg.

“Everybody hold on here. Look, Tracy, Dillon’s been sitting up here with you for the better part of the last two weeks, as have a few more of us, and I think it’s safe to say we’re all a bit too exhausted for your games. So, let’s just cut the nonsense out right now.”

“I would happily end it…”

He bowed cordially in thanks. Peace had been restored.

“Thank you.”

“If it were nonsense.”

Her dearly beloved dropped to a nearby chair and covered his face with his hands, groaning at his great fortune to have married this woman.

“Mom, we thought you were gonna die.” He looked offended, indignant, hurt.

She flinched unconsciously at the outpouring of emotion.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that. I truly am. However,” she rubbed her IV-free hand across her face, “that does not change the fact that I don’t remember meeting any of you, which I find especially odd since I apparently gave birth to you,” she gestured towards Dillon.

Robert finally felt it was time to intervene. Everyone’s fuses were running a bit too hot for reason.


She shut him down with a look.

“Why does everyone keep calling me that?! That is not my name.”

In the length of time it took for her to speak, the air seemed to be swept from the sterile room in a tidal wave that each of them could feel.

“Then, what is your name, mom?”

She straightened up on the bed, fairly radiating frustration at this point, and prepared to make a point. She tucked her dark hair behind her ear.

“My name is…” She paused as the foggy haze returned full force and she gingerly shook her head for clarity. She cleared her throat and made eye contact with the young man she could not believe was her son.

“My name is..." Alarm colored her audible pauses as she foraged through the disarray of her mind for a word, a word she should know better than the color of these bed sheets. “Um…” No word appeared, no defining image. In fact, nothing came to mind, nothing but an boundless landscape of generic nothingness. “Funny, I can’t seem to remember my name.”

Luke and Robert shared equally concerned glances.

"I think I should dig up the Doctors Q for this one, don’t you agree?”

Nothing was said and Robert took that as his cue to go.

Since coming to the realization that not only could she not recall her name, but she couldn’t recall anything, Tracy had become especially quiet.

Luke distinctly noted the gears spinning away behind her eyes as she worked towards some solution to this mystery. Neither he nor Dillon had introduced themselves after discovering that Tracy wasn’t playing at anything. They’d, instead, retreated to the chairs on either side of her bed and hadn’t said a word. She didn’t seem to notice.

The tomblike pall that had settled over her room was shattered when Alan appeared in the doorway. Monica was nowhere to be seen. Her brother smiled.

“I’m glad to see you up.” He grabbed her chart from the end of the bed and flipped through it briefly. “You had us all more than a little worried.”

Unresponsive, she reached up to touch her pounding head, the sight of one more person she didn’t recognize providing little comfort.

“How are you feeling?”

She exhaled quietly.

“Physically, I’m nauseous and my head is killing me.”

Alan nodded and made a quick notation on her chart.

“I’ll see if we can give you something for that. And how are you feeling mentally?”

She narrowed her eyes at him.

“I don’t remember my name. I apparently don’t remember my own son. I would say I'm not feeling all that great. Why don’t I remember anything?”

“Tracy, you’ve suffered a serious head injury and memory loss is one its unfortunate side effects.”

“Unfortunate isn‘t exactly the word I‘d use.”

He hesitated momentarily before relenting to his better nature, and covered her hand with his. This had her completely unraveled. She turned her palm up under his, accepting the comforting squeeze without protest.

“I know it doesn’t help, but I will do everything I can to make this easy for you.”

She looked discreetly at Luke and Dillon, and Robert, who loitered apprehensively about the doorway. The emotion in their eyes was so real. It made her uneasy to know they cared so much when she couldn’t have recognized them off the street. It scared her, but she didn’t show it.

“How long until I get my memory back?”

Alan cringed inwardly, confronted with the part of his job he’d always hated.

“I couldn’t say.”

The bad news.

Her gaze slid from the onlookers to him and he realized that, memory or no memory, she would always be able to read him. Just as she was reading him now.

“To be honest, I can’t promise you will.”


Next Part

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General Disclaimer: Every character, with the exception of those specified, belongs to their respective writers, producers, studios, and production companies.  NO money was made during the conception of these stories or their distribution.  No copyright infringement is intended.