Title: Cinderella's the New Snow White
Pairing: Anne Hathaway/Meryl Streep/Amy Adams
Summary: Anne is deceived, heartbroke, and in love at
the Academy Awards.
Title: Stop Me
Pairing: Mary McDonnell/Edward James Olmos
Title: 5 Times Not
Pairing: Hillary Rodham/Bill Clinton
Summary: 5 times Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham's lives
intersected before sliding farther and farther apart.
Title: A Touch of the Blizzard
Pairing: Hillary/Evan Bayh.
Summary: Evan was reminded of why he should never underestimate her mouth.
Title: Art of Not Engaging, The
Pairing: Hillary Rodham Clinton/Evan Bayh
Summary: Whoever said Hillary Rodham Clinto wasn't beautiful
hadn't met her.
Title: Nothing Worse
Pairing: Hillary Rodham Clinton/Bill Clinton
Summary: The pain medication does absolutely nothing.
Title: Passed Over
Pairing: Hillary Rodham Clinton/Evan Bayh
Summary: “I understand how hard it is, Hill,
to be passed over for someone else…I should know, I got passed over for you.”Hillary
didn’t know how to answer to that.
Title: Playing It Straight
Pairing: Hillary/Bill
Summary: It was funny how little trouble he could be when
he wanted to behave.
Title: The Understanding
Pairing: Bill/Hillary, Hillary/Evan Bayh
Summary: Bill and Evan come to an understanding about
their relationships with Hillary.
Title: Win, Lose, or Also-Ran
Pairing: Hillary Rodham Clinton/Evan Bayh, Hillary/Bill
Summary: History was not going to remember the one who came close, but the people would.
Chapters: Prologue | i | ii-a | ii-b| | iii-a | iii-b | iii-c | iii-d | iv-a | iv-b | iv-c | iv-d | iv-e | iv-f | iv-g | v-a | v-b | v-c | v-d | vi | Epilogue I | Epilogue II