"Casket Closed. And so the pages run out." I stare at the journal in my hand and finally become aware of my surroundings
Recently, I became trapped in an alternate reality. Not only an alternate reality, but the future of an alternate reality.
This journal was mine from the future. How did it all go so wrong?
I don't trust anyone. Not Daniel, not Janet, not Teal'c, and especially not Sam. I suppose you already know what happened.
And I suppose you already know how it ends, but you never knew how it felt.
Do you know how it feels when you're lost and your beacons finds another lost soul and gives up on you? You're reading
this, so I suppose you do. Sam was my beacon, my light, my heart. She left, and I was alone. She left me for him. She abandoned
me and betrayed my trust.
But you don't care about that. It doesn't matter. That's all in the past. To make a long story short, they, she needed
my help and I went back. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. We were a team once--a family, but now were four and one after
one cause. To right the mistake I didn't make. If you're reading this I'm gone, we all are. Make no mistake; I am not sorry
for any of my recent actions, but wherever Sam is, please know this: There ain't no sunshine when you're gone.
If there comes a time where you are where I was--don't let your heart lead you. Let Sam right her own mistake and make
a life for yourself. Marry, have children, because truly being in love is overrated. If she loved you, she would not question
your intentions and if she loved you there'd be no mistakes to fix.
This is a sad story, but go on with life, 'cause that's end; there isn't anymore.
"No, there isn't," I say to myself. My throat is tight, but I can't decide if I want to cry or to scream. My heart feels
heavy, hard as stone. Nah, there ain't no sunshine when she's gone. I thank the heavens for the sanctity of my office and
the fact that I thought to close and lock the door before I started reading.
I realize that there are tears on my face, but I don't wipe them away. I can't. My phone rings and I stare at it. I'm in
no condition or mood to speak, if I could force a word anyway.
Betrayal is only a word,
It's the action behind it,
that define the consequence.